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Brand Design + Slogan + Corporate Design + Packaging Design

Corporate Branding Claim & Packaging

ABERHAM has taken the creative lead for the family business MERA Tiernahrung since 2009, in the areas of corporate/packaging design. A well-thought-out, extensive umbrella strategy was implemented in 2017. In this context, ABERHAM has designed both the new umbrella brand and developed the new company slogan “The Petfood Family”.

Since the rollout of the new strategy, the packaging and design for the entire range of MERA pet food has been redesigned.

This product range is the backbone of the brand. The high-quality and well-structured pet food range is gaining popularity among various pet food stores. This new exposure and popularity creates a stage to show new customers the product range.

Mera pure sensitive

ABERHAM developed the packaging along the lines of a uniform, graphic style across all sub-brands and large-scale imagery. In 2020 MERA was awarded the “German Brand Award” for strategic realignment and the standardization of the brand’s image through packaging.

MERA pet food

Customer: MERA Tiernahrung GmbH

Assignment: Concept of the umbrella brand applied throughout the product range

Category: Brand Design, Slogan, Corporate Design, Packaging Design

Mera Range